Source code for realgas.input


Helper classes for inputting parameters

[docs]class IdealMixture: r""" :param num_components: number of components :type num_components: int :param dippr_nos: dippr numbers of components :type dippr_nos: typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, None]] :param compound_names: names of components :type compound_names: typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, None]] :param cas_numbers: cas registry numbers :type cas_numbers: typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, None]] """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.num_components = kwargs.pop('num_components', 0) self.dippr_nos = kwargs.pop('dippr_nos', None) self.compound_names = kwargs.pop('compound_names', None) self.cas_numbers = kwargs.pop('cas_numbers', None) self._has_been_setup = False
[docs] def setup(self): """setup input parameters""" self._find_number_components() self.check_input() self._update_params() self._has_been_setup = True
def _find_number_components(self): if self.dippr_nos is not None: self.num_components = len(self.dippr_nos) if self.compound_names is not None: self.num_components = len(self.compound_names) if self.cas_numbers is not None: self.num_components = len(self.cas_numbers) def _update_params(self): if self.dippr_nos is None: self.dippr_nos = [None for I in range(self.num_components)] if self.compound_names is None: self.compound_names = [None for I in range(self.num_components)] if self.cas_numbers is None: self.cas_numbers = [None for I in range(self.num_components)] def check_input(self): assert self.num_components > 0, 'No components found!'
[docs] def get_point_input(self, i: int) -> dict: """ :param i: index of point :return: keyword arguments for point input """ return {'dippr_no': self.dippr_nos[i] if self.dippr_nos is not None else None, 'compound_name': self.compound_names[i] if self.compound_names is not None else None, 'cas_number': self.cas_numbers[i] if self.cas_numbers is not None else None}
[docs] def set_point_input(self, i: int, **kwargs): """ :param i: index of point """ self.dippr_nos[i] = kwargs.pop('dippr_no') self.compound_names[i] = kwargs.pop('compound_name') self.cas_numbers[i] = kwargs.pop('cas_number')
def check_params(self): pass
[docs]class RealMixture(IdealMixture): r""" :param MWs: molecular weights of component sin g/mol :type MWs: typing.Optional[typing.List[float]] :param P_cs: critical pressures of componets in Pa :type P_cs: typing.Optional[typing.List[float]] :param T_cs: critical temperatures of pure components in K :type T_cs: typing.Optional[typing.List[float]] :param V_cs: critical molar volumes of pure components in m**3/mol :type V_cs: typing.Optional[typing.List[float]] :param ws: accentric factors of components :type ws: typing.Optional[typing.List[float]] :param k_ij: equation of state mixing rule in calculation of critical temperautre, see Equation :eq:`Tc_combine`. When :math:`i=j` and for chemical similar species, :math:`k_{ij}=0`. Otherwise, it is a small (usually) positive number evaluated from minimal :math:`PVT` data or, in the absence of data, set equal to zero. :type k_ij: typing.Union[float, typing.List[float]], defaults to 0 """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): IdealMixture.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.MWs = kwargs.pop('MWs', None) self.P_cs = kwargs.pop('P_cs', None) self.V_cs = kwargs.pop('V_cs', None) self.Z_cs = kwargs.pop('Z_cs', None) self.T_cs = kwargs.pop('T_cs', None) = kwargs.pop('ws', None) self.k_ij = kwargs.pop('k_ij', 0.) def _find_number_components(self): IdealMixture._find_number_components(self) if self.dippr_nos is None and self.compound_names is None and self.cas_numbers is None: assert ( self.MWs is not None and self.P_cs is not None and self.T_cs is not None and self.V_cs is not None and self.Z_cs is not None and is not None ), 'Incorrect input' assert self.num_components == 0, 'What happended?' if self.num_components == 0: self.num_components = len(self.MWs) if isinstance(self.k_ij, float): val = self.k_ij self.k_ij = [[0. for i in range(self.num_components)] for j in range(self.num_components)] for i in range(self.num_components): for j in range(self.num_components): if i != j: self.k_ij[i][j] = val for i in range(self.num_components): for j in range(self.num_components): assert abs(self.k_ij[i][j]) < 1e-8, 'K[i][i] must be zero!' def _update_params(self): IdealMixture._update_params(self) if self.MWs is None: self.MWs = [None for I in range(self.num_components)] if self.P_cs is None: self.P_cs = [None for I in range(self.num_components)] if self.Z_cs is None: self.Z_cs = [None for I in range(self.num_components)] if self.T_cs is None: self.T_cs = [None for I in range(self.num_components)] if self.V_cs is None: self.V_cs = [None for I in range(self.num_components)] if is None: = [None for I in range(self.num_components)]
[docs] def get_point_input(self, i: int) -> dict: """ :param i: index of point :return: keyword arguments for point input """ data = IdealMixture.get_point_input(self, i) data['MW'] = self.MWs[i] if self.MWs is not None else None data['P_c'] = self.P_cs[i] if self.P_cs is not None else None data['V_c'] = self.V_cs[i] if self.V_cs is not None else None data['Z_c'] = self.Z_cs[i] if self.Z_cs is not None else None data['T_c'] = self.T_cs[i] if self.T_cs is not None else None data['w'] =[i] if is not None else None return data
[docs] def set_point_input(self, i: int, **kwargs): """ :param i: index of point """ IdealMixture.set_point_input(self, i, **kwargs) self.MWs[i] = kwargs.pop('MW') self.P_cs[i] = kwargs.pop('P_c') self.T_cs[i] = kwargs.pop('T_c') self.V_cs[i] = kwargs.pop('V_c') self.Z_cs[i] = kwargs.pop('Z_c')[i] = kwargs.pop('w')
def check_params(self): IdealMixture.check_params(self) if len(set(self.T_cs)) > 1: assert len(set(self.cas_numbers)) > 1, 'Errors anticipated when cas numbers equal if other props are not'