Source code for realgas.eos.virial


.. todo::
    merge docs with those in :code:`realgas.partial_molar_properties`.
    There, the definitions of residual properties are displayed and here wee need only
    write simplified forms for the specific equation of state.


The second order virial equation of state is :cite:`Perry`

.. math::
    Z = 1 + B\rho = 1 + \frac{BP}{RT}
    :label: z_virial

Where the composition dependency of :math:`B` is given by the *exact* mixing rule

.. math::
    B = \sum_i \sum_j y_i y_j B_{ij}
    :label: B_mix_expr

where :math:`B_{ij}=B_{ji}`, and :math:`B_{ii}` and :math:`B_{jj}` are virial coefficients for the pure species

In this package, the useful correlation

.. math::
    \frac{BP_\text{c}}{RT_\text{c}} = B^0 + \omega B^1


.. math::
    B = \frac{RT_\text{c}}{P_\text{c}}\left(B^0 + \omega B^1\right)
    :label: B_expr

So that, combining Equations :eq:`z_virial` and :eq:`B_expr`,
the compressibility can be calculated from dimensionless quantities as

.. math::
    Z = 1 + \left(B^0 + \omega B^1\right)\frac{P_\text{r}}{T_\text{r}}
    :label: z_dimensionless

where :cite:`Smith2005`

.. math::
    B^0 = 0.083 - \frac{0.422}{T_\text{r}^{1.6}}
    :label: B0_expr

.. math::
    B^1 = 0.139 - \frac{0.172}{T_\text{r}^{4.2}}
    :label: B1_expr

so that

so that the following derivatives can be computed as

.. math::
    \frac{dB^0}{dT_\text{r}} = \frac{0.675}{T_\text{r}^{2.6}}
    :label: dB0dTr

.. math::
    \frac{dB^1}{dT_\text{r}} = \frac{0.722}{T_\text{r}^{5.2}}
    :label: dB1dTr

Which allow the :math:`H^\text{R}`, :math:`S^\text{R}`, and :math:`G^\text{R}` to be readily computed as follows :cite:`Perry`

.. math::
    \frac{G^\text{R}}{RT} = \left(B^0 + \omega B^1\right)\frac{P_\text{r}}{T_\text{r}}
    :label: G_R_RT_virial

.. math::
    \frac{H^\mathrm{R}}{RT} = P_\mathrm{r}\left[
        \frac{B^0}{T_\mathrm{r}} - \frac{\mathrm{d} B^0}{\mathrm{d}T_\mathrm{r}} + \omega\left(\frac{B^1}{T_\mathrm{r}} - \frac{\mathrm{d}B^1}{\mathrm{d}T_\mathrm{r}}\right)
    :label: H_R_RT_virial

.. math::
    \frac{S^\text{R}}{R} = -P_\text{r}\left(\frac{d B^0}{d T_\text{r}} - \omega\frac{d B^1}{d T_\text{r}}\right)
    :label: S_R_R_virial

The cross coefficients are calculated as

.. math::
    B_{ij} = \frac{RT_{\text{c}ij}}{P_{\text{c}ij}}\left(B^0 + \omega_{ij}B^1\right)
    :label: B_ij_expr

so that the cross derivatives can be computed as

.. math::
    \frac{dB_{ij}}{dT} = \frac{RT_{\text{c}ij}}{P_{\text{c}ij}}\left(\frac{dB^0}{d T} + \omega_{ij}\frac{dB^1}{dT}\right)

    \frac{dB_{ij}}{dT} = \frac{R}{P_{\text{c}ij}}\left(\frac{dB^0}{d T_{\text{r}ij}} + \omega_{ij}\frac{dB^1}{dT_{\text{r}ij}}\right)

or, equivalently,

.. math::
    \frac{dB_{ij}}{dT_{\text{r}ij}} = \frac{RT_{\text{c}ij}}{P_{\text{c}ij}}\left(\frac{dB^0}{d T_{\text{r}ij}} + \omega_{ij}\frac{dB^1}{dT_{\text{r}ij}}\right)
    :label: dB_dTrij

Fugacity Coefficients

The Fugacity coefficients are calculated as

.. math::
    \ln\hat{\phi}_i=\left(\frac{\partial (nG^\text{R}/R/T)}{\partial n_i}\right)_{P,T,n_j}

For the virial equation of state, this becomes :cite:`VanNess1982`

.. math::
    \ln\hat{\phi}_k = \frac{P}{RT}\left[B_{kk} + \frac{1}{2}\sum_i\sum_jy_iy_j\left(2\delta_{ik} - \delta_{ij}\right)\right]
    :label: ln_phi_i_virial

where *both* :math:`i` and :math:`j` indices run over all species

.. math::
    \delta_{ik} = 2B_{ik} - B_{ii} - B_{kk} = \delta_{ki}
    :label: d_ik


.. math::
    \delta_{ii} = 0

Residual Partial Molar Properties
The partial molar residual free energy of component *k* is

.. math::
    \frac{\bar{G}^\text{R}_k}{RT} = \ln{\hat{\phi}_k} = \frac{P}{RT}\left[B_{kk} + \frac{1}{2}\sum_i\sum_jy_iy_j\left(2\delta_{ik} - \delta_{ij}\right)\right]
    :label: barGiR

The partial molar residual enthalpy of component *k* is

.. math::
        \frac{\bar{H}^\mathrm{R}_k}{RT} &= -T \left(\frac{\partial \ln\hat{\phi}_k}{\partial T}\right)_{P,y} \\
                             &= - \frac{T}{T_c} \left(\frac{\partial \ln\hat{\phi}_k}{\partial T_r}\right)_{P,y} \\
                             &= - \frac{T}{T_c}\left\{
                                    \frac{\partial B_{kk}}{\partial T_r}
                                     + \frac{1}{2}\sum_i\sum_j y_iy_j\left(
                                                    2\frac{\partial \delta_{ik}}{\partial T_r}
                                                    - \frac{\partial \delta_{ij}}{\partial T_r}
                                - \frac{T_c\ln\hat{\phi}_i}{T}

where :math:`\frac{\partial \delta_{ij}}{\partial T_r}` is given by :eq:`eq_d_dij`
so that we obtain

.. math::
    \frac{\bar{H}^\mathrm{R}_k}{RT} = - \frac{P}{RT_\text{c}}\left[
                                    \frac{\partial B_{kk}}{\partial T_r}
                                     + \frac{1}{2}\sum_i\sum_j y_iy_j\left(
                                                    2\frac{\partial \delta_{ik}}{\partial T_r}
                                                    - \frac{\partial \delta_{ij}}{\partial T_r}
                                + \ln\hat{\phi}_i
    :label: barHiR


.. math::
    G^\mathrm{R} = H^\mathrm{R} - T S^\mathrm{R}

In terms of partial molar properties, then

.. math::
        \bar{S}_i^\mathrm{R} &= \frac{\bar{H}_i^\mathrm{R} - \bar{G}_i^\mathrm{R}}{T} \\
        \frac{\bar{S}_i^\mathrm{R}}{R} &= \frac{\bar{H}_i^\mathrm{R}}{RT} - \frac{\bar{G}_i^\mathrm{R}}{RT} \\

By comparing Equation :eq:`barGiR` and :eq:`barHiR` it is observed that

.. math::
    \frac{\bar{S}_k^\mathrm{R}}{R} = - \frac{P}{RT_\text{c}}\left[
                                    \frac{\partial B_{kk}}{\partial T_r}
                                     + \frac{1}{2}\sum_i\sum_j y_iy_j\left(
                                                    2\frac{\partial \delta_{ik}}{\partial T_r}
                                                    - \frac{\partial \delta_{ij}}{\partial T_r}
    :label: barSiR

where :math:`\frac{\partial \delta_{ij}}{\partial T_r}` is given by :eq:`eq_d_dij`

The partial molar residual volume of component *i* is calculated as

.. math::
        \frac{\bar{V}_k^\mathrm{R}}{RT} &= \left(\frac{\partial \ln\hat{\phi}_i}{\partial P}\right)_{T,y}\\
            &= \frac{\partial}{\partial P}\left\{\frac{P}{RT}\left[B_{kk} + \frac{1}{2}\sum_i\sum_jy_iy_j\left(2\delta_{ik} - \delta_{ij}\right)\right]\right\}

which simplifies to

.. math::
    \frac{\bar{V}_k^\mathrm{R}}{RT} = \frac{1}{RT}\left[B_{kk} + \frac{1}{2}\sum_i\sum_jy_iy_j\left(2\delta_{ik} - \delta_{ij}\right)\right]
    :label: barViR

from which we obtain the intuitive result of

.. math::
    \bar{V}_k^\mathrm{R} = B_{kk} + \frac{1}{2}\sum_i\sum_jy_iy_j\left(2\delta_{ik} - \delta_{ij}\right)


import typing

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from chem_util.chem_constants import gas_constant as R

from ..critical_constants import CriticalConstants
from ..input import RealMixture

[docs]class Virial: """ :param pow: function for computing power, defaults to numpy.power :type pow: callable, optional :param exp: function for computing logarithm, defaults to numpy.exp :type exp: callable, optional """ def __init__(self, pow: callable = np.power, exp: callable = np.exp): self.pow = pow self.exp = exp
[docs] def B0_expr(self, T_r): """ :param T_r: Reduced temperature :returns: Equation :eq:`B0_expr` """ return 0.083 - 0.422 * self.pow(T_r, -1.6)
[docs] def B1_expr(self, T_r): """ :param T_r: reduced temperature :return: Equation eq:`B1_expr` """ return 0.139 - 0.172 * self.pow(T_r, -4.2)
[docs] def d_B0_d_Tr_expr(self, T_r): """ :param T_r: reduced temperature :returns: Equation :eq:`dB0dTr` """ return 0.6752 * self.pow(T_r, -2.6)
[docs] def d_B1_d_Tr_expr(self, T_r): """ :param T_r: reduced temperature :returns: Equation :eq:`dB1dTr` """ return 0.7224 * self.pow(T_r, -5.2)
[docs] def B_expr(self, T_r, w, T_c, P_c): """ :param T_r: reduced temperature :param w: accentric factor :param T_c: critical temperautre [K] :param P_c: critical pressure [Pa] :return: Equation :eq:`B_expr` """ return R * T_c / P_c * ( self.B0_expr(T_r) + w * self.B1_expr(T_r) )
def ln_hat_phi_k_expr(self, *args): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def hat_phi_i_expr(self, *args): r"""expression for fugacity coefficient :returns: :math:`\exp\left({\ln{\hat{\phi}_i}}\right)` """ return self.exp(self.ln_hat_phi_k_expr(*args))
[docs]class SecondVirial(CriticalConstants, Virial): """Virial equation of state for one component. See :cite:`Perry,Smith2005` """ def __init__(self, dippr_no: str = None, compound_name: str = None, cas_number: str = None, pow: callable = np.power, **kwargs): """ :param kwargs: for customized critica constants """ CriticalConstants.__init__(self, dippr_no, compound_name, cas_number, **kwargs) Virial.__init__(self, pow=pow) = 'secondvirial'
[docs] def H_R_RT_expr(self, P, T): """ :param P: pressure in Pa :param T: temperature in K :return: Equation :eq:`H_R_RT_virial` """ T_r = T / self.T_c return P / self.P_c * ( self.B0_expr(T_r) / T_r - self.d_B0_d_Tr_expr(T_r) + self.w * ( self.B1_expr(T_r) / T_r - self.d_B1_d_Tr_expr(T_r)) )
[docs] def G_R_RT_expr(self, P, T): """ :param P: pressure in Pa :param T: Temperautre in K :return: Equation :eq:`G_R_RT_virial` """ T_r = T / self.T_c P_r = P / self.P_c return (self.B0_expr(T_r) + self.w * self.B1_expr(T_r)) * P_r / T_r
[docs] def S_R_R_expr(self, P, T): """ :param P: pressure in Pa :param T: temperature in K :return: Equation :eq:`S_R_R_virial` """ T_r = T / self.T_c P_r = P / self.P_c return -P_r * (self.d_B0_d_Tr_expr(T_r) + self.w * self.d_B1_d_Tr_expr(T_r))
[docs] def ln_hat_phi_k_expr(self, P, T): r"""logarithm of fugacity coefficient .. note:: single-component version In this case, Equation :eq:`ln_phi_i_virial` simplifies to .. math:: \ln\hat{\phi}_i = \frac{PB}{RT} :param P: pressure in Pa :type P: float :param T: temperature in K :type T: float """ T_r = T / self.T_c return P * self.B_expr(T_r, self.w, self.T_c, self.P_c) / R / T
[docs] def calc_Z_from_units(self, P, T): """ :param P: pressure in Pa :param T: temperature in K :return: Equation :eq:`z_virial` """ return 1. + self.B_expr(T / self.T_c, self.w, self.T_c, self.P_c) * P / R / T
[docs] def calc_Z_from_dimensionless(self, P_r, T_r): """ :param P_r: reduced pressure, dimensionless :param T_r: reduced temperature, dimensionless :return: Equation :eq:`z_dimensionless` """ return 1 + (self.B0_expr(T_r) + self.w * self.B1_expr(T_r)) * P_r / T_r
[docs] def plot_Z_vs_P(self, T, P_min, P_max, symbol='o', ax=None, **kwargs): """Plot compressibility as a function of pressure :param T: temperature [K] :type T: float :param P_min: minimum pressure for plotting [Pa] :type P_min: float :param P_max: maximum pressure for plotting [Pa] :type P_max: float :param phase: phase type (liquid or vapor), defaults to vapor :type phase: str :param symbol: marker symbol, defaults to 'o' :type symbol: str :param ax: matplotlib axes for plotting, defaults to None :type ax: plt.axis :param kwargs: keyword arguments for plotting """ if ax is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_ylabel('$Z$') ax.set_xlabel('$P$ [Pa]') P = np.linspace(P_min, P_max) Z = [self.calc_Z_from_dimensionless(pressure / self.P_c, T / self.T_c) for pressure in P] ax.plot(P, Z, symbol, markerfacecolor='None', **kwargs)
[docs]class MixingRule(Virial): r"""Van der Walls mixing rule combining rules from :cite:`Prausnitz1986` .. math:: \omega_{ij} = \frac{\omega_i + \omega_j}{2} :label: omega_combine .. math:: T_{\text{c}ij} = \sqrt{T_{\text{c}i}T_{\text{c}j}}(1-k_{ij}) :label: Tc_combine .. math:: P_{\text{c}ij} = \frac{Z_{\text{c}ij}RT_{\text{c}ij}}{V_{\text{c}ij}} :label: Pc_combine .. math:: Z_{\text{c}ij} = \frac{Z_{\text{c}i} + Z_{\text{c}j}}{2} :label: Zc_combine .. math:: V_{\text{c}ij} = \left(\frac{V_{\text{c}i}^{1/3} + V_{\text{c}j}^{1/3}}{2}\right)^3 :label: vc_combine """ def __init__(self, pow: callable = np.power, exp: callable = np.exp): Virial.__init__(self, pow, exp)
[docs] def w_ij_rule(self, w_i, w_j): r""" :param w_i: accentric factor of component *i* :param w_j: accentric factor of component *j* :return: Equation :eq:`omega_combine` """ return (w_i + w_j) / 2.
[docs] def T_cij_rule(self, T_ci, T_cj, k_ij): """ :param T_ci: critical temperature of component i [K] :param T_cj: ** j [K] :param k_ij: k_ij parameter :return: Equation :eq:`Tc_combine` """ return pow(T_ci * T_cj, 0.5) * (1. - k_ij)
[docs] def P_cij_rule(self, Z_ci, V_ci, T_ci, Z_cj, V_cj, T_cj, k_ij): """ :return: Equation :eq:`Pc_combine` """ Z_cij = self.Z_cij_rule(Z_ci, Z_cj) T_cij = self.T_cij_rule(T_ci, T_cj, k_ij=k_ij) V_cij = self.V_cij_rule(V_ci, V_cj) return Z_cij * R * T_cij / V_cij
[docs] def Z_cij_rule(self, Z_ci, Z_cj): """ :param Z_ci: critical compressibility factor of component *i* :param Z_cj: critical compressibility factor of component *j* :return: Equation :eq:`Zc_combine` """ return (Z_ci + Z_cj) / 2.
[docs] def V_cij_rule(self, V_ci, V_cj): """ :param V_ci: critical molar volume of component *i* [m**3/mol] :param V_cj: critical molar volume of component *j* [m**3/mol] :return: Equation eq:`Vc_combine` """ return self.pow( (self.pow(V_ci, 1 / 3) + self.pow(V_cj, 1 / 3)) / 2., 3 )
[docs]class SecondVirialMixture(RealMixture, MixingRule): r"""Second virial with mixing rule from :class:`.MixingRule` .. note:: can only input both custom critical properties or both from DIPPR--cant have mixed at the moment :param pow: function to calculate power, defaults to numpy.power :param exp: function to calculate exponential,d efaults to numpy.exp :param kwargs: key-word arguments to pass to :class:`.RealMixture` """ def __init__(self, pow: callable = np.power, exp: callable = np.exp, **kwargs): MixingRule.__init__(self, pow, exp) RealMixture.__init__(self, **kwargs) RealMixture.setup(self) for i in range(self.num_components): I = CriticalConstants(**self.get_point_input(i)) self.set_point_input(i, **I.__dict__) self.check_params()
[docs] def get_w_Tc_Pc(self, i: int, j=None): """Returns critical constants for calculation based off of whetner i = j or not :returns: (:math:`w`, :math:`T_c`, :math:`P_c`) :rtype: tuple """ if j is None or i == j: return[i], self.T_cs[i], self.P_cs[i] return ( self.w_ij_rule([i],[j]), self.T_cij_rule(self.T_cs[i], self.T_cs[j], k_ij=self.k_ij[i][j]), self.P_cij_rule( self.Z_cs[i], self.V_cs[i], self.T_cs[i], self.Z_cs[j], self.V_cs[j], self.T_cs[j], k_ij=self.k_ij[i][j] ) )
[docs] def B_ij_expr(self, i: int, j: int, T): r""" :param i: index of first component :param j: index of second component :param T: temperature [K] :returns: Equation :eq:`B_ij_expr` """ w, T_c, P_c = self.get_w_Tc_Pc(i, j) T_r = T / T_c return self.B_expr(T_r, w, T_c, P_c)
[docs] def B_mix_expr(self, y_k: typing.List[typing.Union[float, typing.Any]], T): """ :param y_k: mole fractions of each component :math:`k` :param T: temperature in K :returns: Equation :eq:`B_mix_expr` """ return sum( y_k[i] * y_k[j] * self.B_ij_expr(i, j, T) for i in range(self.num_components) for j in range(self.num_components) )
[docs] def calc_Z_from_units(self, y_k: typing.List, P, T): """ :param y_k: mole fractions of each component :math:`k` :param P: pressure in Pa :param T: temperature in K :return: Equation :eq:`z_virial` """ return 1. + self.B_mix_expr(y_k, T) * P / R / T
[docs] def d_ik_expr(self, i: int, k: int, T): """ :param i: index of component *i* :param k: index of component *k* :param T: temperature [K] :return: Equation :eq:`d_ik` """ if i == k: return 0. return 2. * self.B_ij_expr(i, k, T) - self.B_ij_expr(i, i, T) - self.B_ij_expr(k, k, T)
[docs] def ln_hat_phi_k_expr(self, k: int, ys: typing.List[typing.Union[float, typing.Any]], P, T): r"""logarithm of fugacity coefficient .. note:: The order of :code:`ys` corresponds to the order of components made during initialization :param k: index of component *k* :param ys: mole fractions ordered as component order :param P: pressure in Pa :param T: temperature in K :returns: Equation :eq:`ln_phi_i_virial` """ return P / R / T * ( self.B_ij_expr(k, k, T) + 1. / 2. * sum( ys[i] * ys[j] * (2. * self.d_ik_expr(i, k, T) - self.d_ik_expr(i, j, T)) for i in range(self.num_components) for j in range(self.num_components) ) )
[docs] def fugacity_i_expr(self, cas_i: str, ys: typing.List[typing.Union[float, typing.Any]], P, T): r"""Fugacity of component i in mixture :math:`f_i=\hat{\phi}_i y_i P` :param cas_i: cas number for component of interest :param ys: mole fractions :param P: pressure in Pa :param T: temperature in K """ assert cas_i in self.cas_numbers, 'Cas number not found!' i = self.cas_numbers.index(cas_i) return self.hat_phi_i_expr(i, ys, P, T) * ys[i] * P
[docs] def bar_GiR_RT(self, cas_k: str, ys: typing.List[typing.Union[float, typing.Any]], P, T): r"""Dimensionless residual partial molar free energy of component :math:`i` :param cas_k: cas number of component k :param ys: mole fractions :param P: pressure in Pa :param T: temperature in K :returns: Equation :eq:`barGiR` """ assert cas_k in self.cas_numbers, 'Cas number not found' k = self.cas_numbers.index(cas_k) return self.ln_hat_phi_k_expr(k, ys, P, T)
[docs] def d_Bij_d_Trij(self, i: int, j: int, T): """ :param i: index for component *i* :param j: index for componen t *j* :param T: temperature in K :return: Equation :eq:`dB_dTrij` """ w, T_c, P_c = self.get_w_Tc_Pc(i, j) T_r = T / T_c return R * T_c / P_c * (self.d_B0_d_Tr_expr(T_r) + w * self.d_B1_d_Tr_expr(T_r))
[docs] def d_dij_d_Tr(self, i, j, T): r""" .. math:: \frac{\partial \delta_{ij}}{\partial T_{\text{r}ij}} = 2\frac{\partial B_{ij}}{\partial T_{\text{r}ij}}-\frac{\partial B_{ii}}{\partial T_{\text{r}ij}}-\frac{\partial B_{jj}}{\partial T_{\text{r}ij}} :label: eq_d_dij .. todo:: test this with symbolic differentiation of d_ik expression :param i: index for component *i* :param j: index for componen t *j* :param T: temperature [K] """ if i == j: return 0. return 2. * self.d_Bij_d_Trij(i, j, T) \ - self.d_Bij_d_Trij(i, i, T) \ - self.d_Bij_d_Trij(j, j, T)
[docs] def bar_HiR_RT(self, cas_k: str, ys: typing.List[typing.Union[float, typing.Any]], P, T): r"""Dimensionless residual partial molar enthalpy of component :math:`i` :param cas_k: cas number for component of interest :param ys: mole fractions :param P: pressure in Pa :param T: temperature in K """ assert cas_k in self.cas_numbers, 'Cas number not found' k = self.cas_numbers.index(cas_k) T_c = self.T_cs[k] return self.ln_hat_phi_k_expr(k, ys, P, T) - P / R / T_c * ( self.d_Bij_d_Trij(k, k, T) + 1. / 2. * sum( ys[i] * ys[j] * (2. * self.d_dij_d_Tr(i, k, T) - self.d_dij_d_Tr(i, j, T)) for i in range(self.num_components) for j in range(self.num_components) ) )
[docs] def bar_HiR_star(self, T_star, cas_k: str, ys: typing.List[typing.Union[float, typing.Any]], P, T): r""" Returns the scaled entropy useful for computations :math:`\bar{H}_i^{\text{R},\star}`, as defined in Equation :eq:`barHiRstar_definition` :param cas_k: cas number of component *k* :param ys: mole fractions :param P: pressure in Pa :param T: temperature in K """ return T_star * self.bar_HiR_RT(cas_k, ys, P, T)
[docs] def bar_SiR_R(self, cas_k: str, ys: typing.List[typing.Union[float, typing.Any]], P, T): r"""Dimensionless residual partial molar entropy of component :math:`i` :param cas_k: cas number for component of interest :param ys: mole fractions :param P: pressure in Pa :param T: temperature in K :returns: Equation :eq:`barSiR` """ assert cas_k in self.cas_numbers, 'Cas number not found' k = self.cas_numbers.index(cas_k) T_c = self.T_cs[k] return -P / R / T_c * ( self.d_Bij_d_Trij(k, k, T) + sum( 1. / 2. * ys[i] * ys[j] * (2. * self.d_dij_d_Tr(i, k, T) - self.d_dij_d_Tr(i, j, T)) for i in range(self.num_components) for j in range(self.num_components) ) )
[docs] def bar_ViR_RT(self, cas_k: str, ys: typing.List[typing.Union[float, typing.Any]], P, T): r""" residual Partial molar volume for component *i* .. note:: This expression does not depend on :math:`P` :param cas_k: cas number for component of interest :param ys: mole fractions :param P: pressure in Pa :param T: temperature in K :returns: Equation :eq:`barViR` """ assert cas_k in self.cas_numbers, 'Cas number not found' k = self.cas_numbers.index(cas_k) return 1. / R / T( self.B_ij_expr(k, k, T) + 1. / 2. * sum( ys[i] * ys[j] * (2. * self.d_ik_expr(i, k, T) - self.d_ik_expr(i, j, T)) for i in range(self.num_components) for j in range(self.num_components) ) )
[docs] def M_R_dimensionless(self, method: callable, ys: typing.List[typing.Union[float, typing.Any]], P: float, T: float): """Residual property of :math:`X` for mixture. Similar to Equation :eq:`residual_molar` but in dimensionless form :param method: function to compute partial molar property of compound :type method: callable """ return sum( ys[i] * method(self.cas_numbers[i], ys, P, T) for i in range(self.num_components) )
[docs] def S_R_R(self, *args): r"""Residual entropy of mixture :math:`S^\mathrm{R}/R`""" return self.M_R_dimensionless(self.bar_SiR_R, *args)
[docs] def H_R_RT(self, *args): r"""Residual enthalpy of mixture :math:`H^\mathrm{R}/R/T`""" return self.M_R_dimensionless(self.bar_HiR_RT, *args)
[docs] def G_R_RT(self, *args): r"""Residual free energy of mixture :math:`G^\mathrm{R}/R/T`""" return self.M_R_dimensionless(self.bar_GiR_RT, *args)
[docs] def plot_residual_HSG(self, P, T, ax=None, fig=None) -> typing.Tuple[plt.figure, plt.subplot]: """Plot dimensionless residual properties as a function of mole fraction :param P: pressure in Pa :param T: Temperature in K :param ax: matplotlib ax, defaults to None :param fig: matplotlib figure, defautls to None """ assert self.num_components == 2, 'Plotting only implemented for binary mixtures' if ax is None: if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.set_ylabel('Dimensionless') ax.set_xlabel('Gas-Phase Mole fraction %s' % self.compound_names[0]) y_1 = np.linspace(0., 1.) HR_RT = np.array(list(self.H_R_RT([i, 1. - i], P, T) for i in y_1)) GR_RT = np.array(list(self.G_R_RT([i, 1. - i], P, T) for i in y_1)) SR_R = np.array(list(self.S_R_R([i, 1. - i], P, T) for i in y_1)) ax.plot(y_1, HR_RT, '-', label='$H^\\mathrm{R}/(RT)$') ax.plot(y_1, GR_RT, '--', label='$G^\\mathrm{R}/(RT)$') ax.plot(y_1, SR_R, '-.', label='$S^\\mathrm{R}/R$') ax.set_title('Residual properties at T = %5.2f K and P = %4.3e Pa' % (T, P)) ax.legend() return fig, ax